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Unitech, MS282e 2D Imager, USB

by Unitech

Need an efficient and powerful way to capture 2D barcodes at any budget? The MS282e is a great alternative to more robust scanners with features other readers ignore. Its two-dimensional barcode scanning technology works for a wide range of markets and applications, from point-of-sale systems, loyalty cards and mobile coupons in retail stores to general purpose hospitality scanning.



   •  Compact and lightweight design

   •  Reads all 1D and 2D barcodes

   •  Scan barcodes on the screens of mobile devices

   •  Durable rugged scanner: IP42 and 1.5m drop spec

   •  Long lifecycle trigger design: Up to 10,000,000 times.

   •  Versatile scanning modes: supports both manual and presentation scanning

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