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Barcode Scanners

Buying a Barcode Scanner

There are a few things to keep in mind when buying a barcode scanner.

Form, connectivity, durability and reading capabilities. 

Form: Handheld scanners are the most common type of barcode reader. These are used in general point of sale applications. Most handheld scanners have a hands free option when using with a stand. A companion scanner is a Bluetooth or batch mode scanner that are smaller. Often times these scanners are used in conjunction with a phone or tablet. In counter scanners are used for the purpose of a point of sale lane. 

Connectivity: Most barcode scanners are either USB or Bluetooth. There are some applications that require a serial or parallel interface.

Durability: For the most part, a rugged scanner is unlikely needed. Rugged scanners are used in warehouses or in applications where they could be dropped.

Reading Capabilities: All 2D barcode readers can read 1D barcodes. An example of a 2D barcode is a QR code. 

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