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Memor 11 Full Touch PDA, NA, Wi-Fi + LTE, 4GB/32GB, FFHE HP 2D Imager w/Green Spot, Android v11 w/GMS, Black; Includes Device, Single Dock 94A150095, PS 94ACC0197, Rubber Boot 94ACC0193, Attachable Scan Trigger Handle 94ACC0201, USB Cable, Hand Strap

SKU 944900009
The Memor 11 family is a versatile mobile computer series that improves business productivity and streamlines operations. This cutting-edge addition to the prestigious Memor Series is designed to provide unparalleled flexibility for today’s mobile workforce. Boasting an up-to-date operating system and enhanced processing capabilities, the Memor 11 family delivers superior scanning performance and all-around efficiency. It is the perfect solution for those who need versatility for in-store retail operations and inventory management, inbound/outbound warehouse logistics, manufacturing traceability and quality control, and for transportation and logistics applications. The Memor 11 family comfortably exceeds all requirements.

Customers can choose between Wi-Fi only or Wi-Fi/Cellular models to best suit their needs and stay connected no matter what their use case. The Memor 11 family can be seamlessly deployed indoors or in combination with outdoor operations and field mobility.

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