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CL-S703 TypeII, DT/TT, 300DPI, w/Rewinder, Gray

by Citizen

The CL-S703RII is part of our CL-S700II series with the added internal peeler and rewinder and 300 dpi print resolution.The CL-S700II Series are designed for ease of use; the metal mechanism opens vertically to a full 90° to allow for easy ribbon access, while integrated ribbon control and positioning support precision printing on even small or specialist media.

The internal rewinder of the CL-S703RII is so easy to access as the door opens to the front of the printer which means you don't require any extra space as the side of the printer to load paper or set the media rewinder.

Front Loading & Internal Peel Rewinder
200 dpi version also available CL-S700RII

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