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Arlo Cash Drawer (EKDS320-1-B410-A20)

by APG
SKU EKDS320-1-B410-A20

The Arlo cash drawer delivers uncompromising performance and quality, providing a low cost of ownership for light cash use environments. Purpose-built for the entry-level market, the Arlo cash drawer is easy to use enabling efficiency throughout the checkout process.

The Soma family product line is designed for a market segment that has a relatively low number of cash transactions. As a member of the Soma family product line, the Arlo cash drawer is a reliable solution with its smooth ball-bearing roller wheels, ensuring 500,000 plus transactions.

Size (410) 16.1in. W x 16.5in. D x 3.9in. H Color Black Till (KPS-15TA-A20-BX) 5 Bill x 5 Coin Interface MultiPRO® 320-1 Interface for Epson, Star, and Equivalent Printers only (cable included)


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