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Star Micronics, MCP21WBI BK US, Mc-Print2, Thermal, 2", Cutter, WLAN, Bluetooth (MFI), USB, Lightning, Cloudprnt, Peripheral Hub, Black, Ext Ps Included

SKU 37950420
The mC-Print2 is the smaller printer in the mCollection®. Perfect for minimizing counter space while optimizing functionality. With a square footprint of only 96 x 115 x 100 mm, Star’s smallest desktop printer is 60% smaller than the TSP100III. This 2-inch thermal printer also has multiple connectivity options, including USB, Lightning, Bluetooth, CloudPRNT, WLAN, and LAN. These five connections all come from the same model, which makes this printer future-proof, giving the retailer the ability to change their POS system without changing the printer. Multiple connectivity options give technology providers an easy integration process through common software.

Key Features

  • Sleek, compact, connected
  • Easy setup
  • Guillotine auto-cutter
  • Bluetooth, USB, Lightning, WLAN, LAN, CloudPRNT
  • Cloud Ready
  • SteadyLAN® technology (mCP21LB, mCP21W, mCP21WBi)
  • Peripheral device connectivity – cash drawer, customer display, 1D scanners, HID class devices (keyboard mode)

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