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APG, Floor Standing Kiosk, Compatible with Zebra DS7708 and Epson TM88 Printer, No Pinpad/Mount Arm, Universal Vesa

by APG
SKU KS-1220-BL

APG's Kiosk is designed to not be exclusive but to accommodate any brand, shape, and model of peripheral that you wish to use. Universal VESA patterns and intentional design give you the freedom to have our Kiosk work for you. 

The floor-standing unit is designed with the durability to endure fast-paced self-service environments. The kiosk supports the most popular touchscreen POS and tablet systems and includes built-in brackets to securely install a receipt printer, barcode reader, and payment terminal.


  •  8.5" X 5.125" X 46 FLOOR STAND, 16" X 16" X 1.188 BASE PLATE, 53 LBS


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