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Cipherlab 8001 Series, Linear Image, 2MB, Charging and Communication Cradle, USB cable

Original price $658.35
Current price $460.84
SKU A8001RSC00023

The best things come in small packages-that's why you can expect incredible productivity and great value from the 8000 series. Our pocket-sized mobile computer put fast, accurate barcode scanning and wireless communications options in your hands (and your pocket) to accelerate product ordering, item picking, route accounting, and other AIDC activities. Durable design and low cost mean you reap a lot of value over a long time-at a minimal investment. For such a small package, there's nothing like the 8000 Series to cost-effectively make your work easy and efficient.


The best things come in small packages-that's why you can expect incredible productivity and great value from the 8000 series. Our pocket-sized mobile computer put fast, accurate barcode scanning and wireless communications options in your hands (and your pocket) to accelerate product ordering, item picking, route accounting, and other AIDC activities. Durable design and low cost mean you reap a lot of value over a long time-at a minimal investment. For such a small package, there's nothing like the 8000 Series to cost-effectively make your work easy and efficient.

Industry Use:

  • Warehousing
  • Field Mobility
  • Retail
  • Healthcare

8000 / 8001
Make quick work of dispensing tickets, order pickup and route accounting in retail and warehousing with the 8000 handheld mobile computer. Scan and batch upload in fast, easy steps to speed product ordering and inventory management. Streamline many operations, like shelf labeling. The 8000 and 8001 are pocket-sized and light enough to keep with you all day long, inconspicuously tucked out of the way in a pocket, yet ready to go to work in an instant. Choose the 8000 with replaceable AAA batteries or the 8001 with a rechargeable battery.

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