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Citizen, CT-E651L Series, Thermal Receipt Printer

by Citizen

Quick and convenient, the front-exit CT-E651L label-capable POS printer is perfect for pharmacy, retail and hospitality environments. Supporting both label and receipt printing up to 200mm and 300mm per second in respective modes, the CT-E651L is the perfect solution for applications where printers need to be multifunctional.  

The front exit is particularly useful within hospitality businesses where the mechanism needs to be protected from spills and crumbs. In retail, the compact footprint enables it to fit perfectly beneath all-in-one retail systems or alongside a cash drawer. Furthermore the label and receipt capability makes printing both perscription labels and receipts in pharmacies efficiently. 

  • Supports both label and receipt printing
  • Stylish, modern design
  • High endurance and exceptional reliability
  • Flexible interface options with USB as standard with optional Ethernet (LAN) or WiFi with XML support, Bluetooth or Serial

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