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Rfideas, Wave Id Plus, Surface Mount, Black, Ethernet Reader W/Power Supply

by rfideas

The RF IDeas WAVE ID Plus is a cutting-edge card reader that combines proximity and contactless technologies into one reader. The Surface Mount reader is capable of reading both 125 kHz proximity cards and 13.56 MHz contactless cards. This reader eliminates the need for manual entry and provides error-free identification and security throughout the workplace. The WAVE ID Plus allows users to use their building access card or any 125 kHz or 13.56 MHz tags/labels for
other forms of identification.

The Surface Mount card readers are specifically designed for applications such as kiosks, time & attendance, point of sale, hoteling, meeting attendance, as well as others which require special mounting versatility. These readers mount easily with two screws and fit in a single-gang electrical box. They incorporate all the functionality of the standard desktop readers and are ideal for specialized card and badge reading locations.

The plug-n-play reader comes with flash memory, allowing users to quickly configure the output to meet their needs. With its dual-frequency multi-technology, the WAVE ID Plus is highly configurable and capable of simultaneously handling any two of the available technologies.

As a card and badge enroller or reader, the Surface Mount emulates a keyboard to keystroke the card’s data to the cursor’s location in an application. The reader can be configured to add keystrokes and commands before or after the card’s data. It can be used as a stand-alone unit, or be seamlessly integrated with other software applications using the optional Software Developer’s Kit (SDK). As an integrated reader, the WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount has the ability to work with a multitude of applications.


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