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Elo, I-Series 3, 23.8" Intel Touchscreen Computer

by Elo
SKU E608084

Elo’s I-Series delivers reliable, enterprise-grade security and performance powered
by Intel 12th gen processors including Celeron, Core i3, i5 and i7. Designed with
a sleek and durable fixed tablet form factor, the I-Series offer models that support
Windows, ChromeOS Flex and Linux (SuSE, Ubuntu and Red Hat).  The I-Series offers a modular platform with versatility to fit almost any application from point-of-sale and interactive signage to self-service and automation controls. 


  • Windows 10
  • Full HD 1920 x 1080
  • 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD
  • Projected Capacitive 10-Touch
  • Clear
  • Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Bluetooth 5.2
  • Worldwide

Spec Sheet


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