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Epson, TM-m30II-h, Thermal Receipt Printer, TM-M30IIH-022 USB / Ethernet

by Epson
SKU C31CH92022
The OmniLink TM-m30II-h POS thermal receipt printer offers broad interface connectivity options and supports up to four USB POS peripheral devices. A compact 3" receipt printer, it not only features USB and Ethernet, but also offers Bluetooth® or wireless connectivity options. In addition, it can charge a smartphone or tablet and communicate data using a single USB cable2 (cable not included). The TM-m30II-h features USB-Network-Tethering1, which enables network connection to a tablet, making it perfect for locations that experience issues with wireless connectivity. And, it supports online ordering through Server Direct Print as well as cloud applications via OmniLink Merchant Services.

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