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Epson, TM-M30II, Thermal Receipt Printer USB, Ethernet, Black

by Epson
SKU C31CJ27022
The sleek, versatile TM-m30 POS receipt printer offers the freedom to print 3" receipts from virtually any mobile device and/or desktop PC. Ideal for most environments, its modular casing can switch from a top-load to front-load configuration. Plus, it features simple integration with mobile POS environments, intuitive functionality and advanced connectivity. Use one power source for your tablet and printer – an added convenience, exclusively from Epson. The TM-m30 is the first of its kind designed exclusively for today's advanced POS environment. Featuring innovative ePOS™ print technology, it works with iOS®, Android™ and Windows® mobile devices and desktop PCs, and offers fast, easy setup.

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