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Intermec PD43A03300010201 Series PD43 Light Industrial Printer, Ethernet, Wi-Fi North America, Blue Tooth, Thermal Transfer, 203 dpi, US Cord.

SKU PD43A03300010201
Intermec PD43 Barcode Label Printer Model Overview
Intermec's PD43 family of light industrial thermal printers incorporate the latest printing innovations into a compact and affordable package. Ideal for tight spaces, shallow countertops, and pull-out cabinets, the PD series was designed to deliver no-compromise printing performance in the smallest possible footprint. The PD43 takes industrial printing to a new level of simplicity, with a color graphic display that makes it easier to set up, configure and fine-tune settings without the need for a host computer. In fact, with Smart Printing capabilities, the PD43 can run apps right inside the printer—eliminating the need for a connected PC entirely.

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