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Microtouch, DT-100P-A1, Desktop Series

SKU DT-100P-A1

The ultra-modern, unique zero bezel design and small footprint of the DT-100P-A1 makes it a one-stop-shop solution for a variety of applications. The versatile USB-C port with ALT DP mode, power delivery input, and touch acceptance eliminates the need to manage multiple cables enabling a seamless aesthetic while driving efficiencies during the installation process. This 10-point touch projected capacitive display with a 16:10 – 1280×800 resolution is designed to create a memorable touch experience for retail point-of-sale second displays, small form factor point-of-service, in-aisle or end-aisle interactive signage applications, and more. The seamless bezel, advanced PCAP technology and rounded aesthetic bridges the gap between daily consumer devices and commercial devices, a step towards commonality and memorable end-user experience.


  • Size: 10.1" TFT LCD
  • Maximum Resolution: 1280 x 800
  • Contrast Ratio: 1000:1
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:10
  • Brightness: 350 nits (No Touch), 290 nits (PCAP)
  • View Angle: H:160˚, V:160˚
  • Video Port: 1 x VGA, 1 x DP, 1 x HDMI
  • Warranty: 3 year


LCD Touch Monitor, Power Cord, Power Supply, AC-DC Adapter, HDMI, USB-C to A, USB-C to C

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