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MS925 HC Bluetooth 2D Pocket Scanner

by Unitech

Featuring a compact design, the MS925 HC Bluetooth 2D pocket scanner is the ultimate workhorse companion for any mobile workers. It allows users to simply scan and transmit all major 1D or 2D barcodes that it’s easily integrated into field sales, supply chain operations, healthcare, and retail applications.



‧User-friendly operation with a pocket-sized enclosure
‧Built with anti-microbial technology in housing for healthcare applications
‧Reliable barcode engine: Read all standard 1D, 2D barcodes
‧Great motion tolerance at 28 cm/sec which benefits users who are always on the move.
‧Enterprise durability: 1.5 m drop protection and IP41 sealing for ingress protection
‧Support Bluetooth® 2.1+EDR, Class 2

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