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Unitech, MS912-KUBB00-TG - Ms912 Cordless Scanner, Linear Imager, Bluetooth, USB Cable

by Unitech
Original price $250.00
Current price $149.00

The MS912 Bluetooth companion scanner is the way to go for mobile scanning. Tiny but powerful, the MS912 features simple pairing to any smartphone, tablet, or computer with a new aggressive scan engine.


• Small and compact design
• Mobility application by wireless data collection and transmit
•  Support HID and SPP connection
•  High capacity battery with long life
•  Premium performance: Processing up to 4mil resolution barcode readability.
•  Build in 650 scans/sec high performance CCD module
•  Easy to integrate with host (Smart phone, Tablet & Laptop)
•  Easily toggle the iPhone/ iPad touch keyboard with iOS Hotkey function

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