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Wasp Barcode Maker

by Wasp
SKU 633808105167

Barcode Maker – Barcode Software Generator

Easily create and print barcodes in Microsoft Office® applications with Wasp Barcode Maker. Using an integrated toolbar, Barcode Maker seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Word® or Microsoft Excel® to provide you with an instant, one-click barcode creation solution. Simply select the number or text, click on Barcode Maker, and instantly generate your barcode. Choose from over 13 different linear (1D) barcode symbologies, ideal for applications from warehousing and asset tracking to retail and general office. 2D barcodes are available by upgrading to Barcode Maker Pro.

Easily add barcodes to a Microsoft Word document and print, email, or mail merge the file, keeping the barcodes intact. Rapidly create product barcode scan sheets or shadow books, for an easy, reliable retail checkout. Automatically generate hundreds of barcodes by linking data from Microsoft Access® or other data sources. With an intuitive, simple interface, Barcode Maker provides you an effortless, efficient, and easy barcode creation solution.

Generate and print 1D barcodes in Microsoft Office applications with Barcode Maker. Use the integrated one-click toolbar to create barcoded documents in Microsoft Word® or Microsoft Excel®. Develop barcoded product sheets for retail, add barcodes to invoices, and use postal codes in a mail merge with Barcode Maker. Upgrade to Barcode Maker Pro for 2D barcode creation and Microsoft Access® and Crystal Reports™ support.


Part Numbers

  • 633808105167
  • 633808105341
  • 633808105174
  • 633808105198

Ideal For

Common Applications Include

    • Adding barcodes to invoices created in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel
    • Using postal barcodes in a mail merge
    • Creating shadow books for small or hard to scan items
    • Adding barcoded customer numbers to Microsoft Office documents
    • Creating barcoded product sheets for retail

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