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Wave Id Bio SDK Badge & Fingerprint Combo Black USB Reader

by rfideas

The WAVE ID Bio multi-factor authentication reader is the ideal choice for healthcare technology professionals preparing for compliance with upcoming Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) as well as the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The innovative reader addresses key needs related to multi-factor authentication via its WAVE ID® Plus platform capable of reading most proximity and contactless credentials, along with bio-metric data.

The all-in-one design of the WAVE ID Bio reader provides a higher level of identity access than conventional readers, delivering a secure, future-focused technology investment. The reader also offers security advantages in banking & financial and state/local government applications. The reader is dual frequency and reads 125 kHz proximity, 132 kHz or 13.56 MHz formats. In addition, a fingerprint module is integrated for seamless multi-factor authentication.

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