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WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount, 5V Pin, 9 RS-232 Reader, RDR-805W1BK5

by rfideas

As our most feature-rich offering, the WAVE ID Plus card readers maximize the value of new and existing ID badges by providing simultaneous processing of contactless and proximity smart cards. This dual-frequency card reader performs at the highest technical standards while serving diverse applications with our signature ease of use. Also available in an SDK compatible model, it can integrate into most software or hardware through the use of the rf IDEAS Universal Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) This multi-technology reader delivers flexibility to any customer, integrator or end user struggling with different card technologies. In use with the rf IDEAS Configuration Utility, the WAVE ID Plus card reader also functions as a comprehensive card analyzer for determining compatible readers.


  • Delivers card ID in formats that multiple applications recognize

  • Standard four card configurations (two are pre-set; two are user-definable)

  • Ideal for enrollment into third-party software or for single sign-on integrators

  • User-adjustable beeper volume can be set to high, low or off as appropriate for the work environment

  • Patented 13.56 MHz auto-tuning ensures optimal power transfer to avoid interference

  • Optional IP67-compliant kit that when implemented, allows the reader to achieve an IP67 rating

  • WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount reader supports the power of HID employee badge and Student ID in Apple Wallet

  • For a full list of supported cards types, click here.

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