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Loftware NiceLabel 10 is a major release of the Loftware NiceLabel portfolio, including Loftware NiceLabel Cloud, Loftware NiceLabel LMS, Loftware NiceLabel Designer and Loftware NiceLabel PowerForms. It comes with many exciting new and enhanced capabilities:

  • Redesigned Control Center
  • Web-based printer management
  • New and enhanced integrations
  • New and updated drivers for printing and marking/coding
  • Enhanced security testing
  • New online help and on-demand training resources


Web-based Printer Management

Available in Loftware NiceLabel LMS Enterprise, Loftware NiceLabel Cloud Business and Loftware NiceLabel Cloud Compliance

Loftware NiceLabel 10 also improves the efficiency of managing printers with the following new web-based printer management capabilities:

  • Web-based printer driver provisioning that streamlines management of print devices by allowing you to install or update printer drivers to a Loftware NiceLabel workstation remotely from the Control Center.
  • Role-based access controls that determine the permissions for printer groups, for example, granting permissions to users in one location to have control only for printers in that location.
  • The ability to set or change printer settings via the web, which saves you time and reduces unplanned downtime, lowers demands on IT resources and speeds the management of printers by eliminating the need to make changes locally.

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