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Zebra EVM/DCS, CS6080-HC White Cordless FIPS Presentation Cradle Kit: CS6080-HC4F00BVZWW Scanner, CR6080-PC100FBWW Cradle, CBL-CS6-S07-0B USB-C Cable

by Zebra
SKU CS6080-HCB00004P1W
Do you need a cordless scanner at the point of care and a corded hands-free scanner in the pharmacy and lab? What if you didn’t have to deploy different scanners for different tasks? Introducing the CS60-HC Series Healthcare Companion Scanner, featuring a groundbreaking design that easily converts between corded and cordless operation, handheld and hands-free, as your needs change. As a cordless scanner, the CS60-HC is ultra-portable and pocketable to meet any nurse-carry workflow and offers the latest mobile technology including contactless charging. As a corded scanner, the CS60-HC provides compact scanning for the pharmacy counter, lab station and more. Whether you purchase a corded or cordless model up front, you can change modes at any time for superior investment protection. You get Zebra’s industry-leading scanning performance, easier data entry between multiple host applications and seamless disinfectant-ready plastics. And our unique DataCapture DNATM and industry-preferred management tools make it easier than ever to integrate, deploy and manage your scanners.

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