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Proclip, Vehicle Mounting Bundle, VESA and AMPS Pattern

by Proclip

Proclip public safety mounting bundle.  Includes base mount, extension rods, and 3-way heavy duty swivel mount compatible with VESA and AMPS Hole-Patterns.

The Super-Duty Square Base can be mounted to the side or top of center console.  The Base can be angled in steps of 24 degrees, up to a maximum of 192 degrees (8 different positions). The design allows you to mix and match the parts to create your own unique design/solution as needed.  The Pedestal Mount AMPS Base has teeth for interlocking joints providing a very strong connection that can withstand a lot of weight. It is made of aluminum, a material which provides extremely strong and durable products of low weight.

This universal mounting bundle can work in any public safety vehicle.  Determining the height needed from where the base will be mounted in your vehicle to determine which size extension rods are needed.  This bundle comes with 2 rods in 2, 4, 6, and 8 inch lengths which can be interchangeable.  

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